
Subscriptions related to the situation in Ukraine

If you have received and used a subscription in connection with the situation in Ukraine, you can read the most frequently asked questions here.

Frequently asked questions

What happens to my phone number after 31/8-2022?

Your phone number will be terminated and will no longer be usable.

Should I cancel the phone number myself?

No, if you do not want to keep the phone number in your own name, it will be automatically closed per 31/8-2022.

Is it possible to keep my phone number with Telia?

Yes, if you transfer the number to your own CPR number, the number will continue.

How long does it take for the number to be ported after I make the request?

It can take up to 5 working days.

How do I transfer the phone number to me?

1. Follow this link: Overdragelse af mobilabonnement (telia.dk) and fill out the fields with the information below.

a. In the first field type your mobile number.
b. In the second field choose a date for the transfer (min. 24 hours).
c. In the third field choose "Privatkunde" in the drop down.
d. In the last field choose "Nej".

Click "Send".

Is it possible to keep the phone number without your own CPR number?

Unfortunately, this is not possible, as we need a CPR number to transfer the phone number.

  1. Kundeservice
  2. Udland
  3. Subscribtions and Ukraine